Knowledge in the Service of Africa!

The Board

SOS-HGIC is governed by a group of passionate individuals who believe in the mission, philosophy and objectives of the college.

Mr. Richard Arkutu

Board Chair || SOS-HGIC

Dr. Mrs. Margaret Nkrumah

Former Board Chair || SOS-HGIC

Mr. Helmut Kutin

Honorary President || SOS Children's Villages International

Mrs. Eliz Dadson

Principal, Ex-Officio Member || SOS-Hermann Gmeiner International College

Mr. Nii Amanor Dodoo

Retired Senior Partner || KPMG

Mr. Alexander Mar Kekula

National Director || SOS Children's Villages, Ghana || SOS-HGIC Alumnus

Ms. Rosy Fynn

Country Director || Mastercard Foundation - Ghana || Alumna