Knowledge in the Service of Africa!

SOS – HGIC wins first and second place in Mathleticus Tournament

SOS – HGIC wins first and second place in Mathleticus Tournament

The Academic Talent Development Program (ATDP) through the Ghana Olympiad Academy launched its latest initiative – Mathleticus Math Tournament (MMT), for lovers of Maths who are 16 years and below. This tournament helps schools promote excellence in math, raise student test scores, increase student self-esteem, develop problem-solving skills, and hone cooperative skills in a competitive environment. It is also designed to allow outstanding mathematics students to meet and compete with each other, and to promote public interest in mathematics.

The Mathleticus Tournament was held on Saturday, November 26, at the Ghana Olympiad Academy. About 200 students from 20 schools competed in the high-energy event. In the end, 50 students from 12 schools were able to make it to the finals. David Blankson Hermans (DP1), Mathlete 33, from SOS – HGIC emerged as the overall champion of this tournament. Conrad Nunyuie Atsu Akaba (MYP4), another student from SOS – HGIC, won second place. Congratulations to all the students that took part in the competition, and a big thank you to the members of the Math department for their encouragement and support of our students’ participation and success at this event!