Knowledge in the Service of Africa!

Alumni Gather to Discuss Masculinity and Femininity at SOS-HGIC

Alumni Gather to Discuss Masculinity and Femininity at SOS-HGIC

A group of alumni from SOS-HGIC recently gathered with students to discuss issues related to masculinity and femininity. The gathering was split into two separate forums, one for men and one for women. The men’s forum, dubbed “Brotherhood and Beyond: Exploring Models For Male Excellence” was held in the dining hall.

The group discussed issues related to manhood and masculinity. The discussion was led by a group of guest speakers who were invited to share their insights and experiences on the subject. 

Meanwhile, the Leading Ladies forum was held in Margaret Nkrumah Hall. Topics included the challenges women face in the workplace, dealing with sexual harassment and relationships. The discussion was led by a group of female guest speakers who shared their own experiences and provided advice on how to navigate these issues.

The separate forums allowed for the students and alumni to have open and honest discussions without the presence of the opposite gender. This allowed for a more focused discussion on the unique challenges that men and women face in their respective roles. HGIC hopes to continue hosting these forums in the future, creating a safe space for students and alumni to come together and discuss issues that are important to them.